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The world's first 3-in-1 wet/dry epilator is the next generation in beauty technology: feel softer, feel smoother, more sensual anytime, anywhere. The ES2045 is designed to be fully immersible, the wet/dry epilator allows you to take care of grooming in the relaxing comfort of your bath or shower. The epilator also features a shaver and bikini trimmer, so you have an all-in-one grooming solution right at your fingertips. Dip into the water and give yourself the silky-smooth legs that you deserve. For silky-smooth results that last up to four weeks use the epilator in the bath with lather for a refreshing, regenerating experience, or use it dry wherever, whenever. The patented Skin Protector System effectively holds skin taut as it removes hair, ensuring that the tweezing discs glide over the skin safely, gently, and quickly. Comes with a convenient traveling pouch so you can enjoy it both at home and on the go. Changing shaver options is easy ¿ just snap off the epilator and attach the shaver head. The bikini trimmer is located on the shaver, so press an easy and convenient slider and the trimmer pops right up. The shaver is also equipped with hypo-allergenic stainless steel blades for sensitive skin.
Technical Details
- Wet/dry epilator gives silky-smooth results that lasts up to four weeks- Performs with less pain and irritation by holding down the skin and removing the hair
- Pivoting head provides side-to-side gliding motion
- Three-in-one hair removal system with epilator, shaver, and bikini trimmer
- Rechargeable, cordless convenience
See more technical details

By Fancy Pants
1. Take off the pink "skin protector" shield when using it on your legs or any taunt skin. If you use it on your underarms, the head may pinch your skin without the shield. In general, the shield blocks the epilator head, removing fewer hairs with each sweep. If it hurts too much the first time you use it, the shield will cause fewer hairs to be pulled out at a time, so it might lessen the pain.
2. Only use the epilator dry. The razor, only use wet. The hairs stick to your skin when wet, so the epilator head can't grab them as easily. When wet, you hair is softer, making it easier for the razor head to remove it. This is actually a benefit, as I can epilate my legs while reading anywhere in the house--I don't have to be in the bathroom as I do while shaving.
3. The fact of the matter is the first time you use it, you will have a significant quantity of hairs to remove. You will not get them all in one shot. Use the epilator for about 20 minutes a day, 3 or 4 days in a row, until you are satisfied with the results. Because hairs aren't all on the same growth cycle, you will have to do touch-ups every 2-3 days or so. You may think of this as a deal breaker, but think of how many times a week you have to shave your legs to keep them smooth. For me, I had to shave my legs every day to avoid stubble. The epilator gives me longer-lasting results.
4. Your hair SHOULD thin out, as you are torturing the roots over and over again while yanking out the hairs. This may take a while, though. Just like it took a few years of plucking my eyebrows for the hairs to stop growing back, my leg hair is thinning out, but slowly. I have been using this epilator for about 9 months now. I have noticed thinning, but it has taken a while. The longer you use the epilator, the thinner your hair will get.
5. The head is too large to be practical for your bikini line, but with some creative body positioning and pulling back of your skin, you can make it work. You can get a bikini line epilator for about $20, but I find they aren't as powerful as this product.
Overall, this product is a great investment. The trimmer is very handy to own, even though I don't care much for the razor head alone. I haven't had to buy new razors since I made this purchase, meaning I have probably saved money by owning the epilator. I usually let it charge over night, as it takes about 8 hours to fully charge. As a general note about rechargeable batteries, wear the batteries down COMPLETELY before recharging. If the battery is not fully drained, charging it reduces the life of the battery.

By Joe Call (Lilburn GA USA)
This product did not meet my expectations, and I will likely not use it again.
Money wasted.

By caseyfoofoo (Rochester NY)
I have had this Panasonic Ladies Wet/dry epilator for several months. It is excellent. I find it painful to use dry so I don't use it dry. There is no pain to use in the shower. It continues to work beautifuly even after immersion in shower. I am fairly clumbsy. I have dropped it and that hasn't even bruised it. It is durable. The grip to hold it is fine. Easy to hold on too even soapy and wet with arthritic hands. I have tried several different products and can say this time they got the technology right. I don't remember charging it since I got it, so it holds a charge for a long long time.

By Bruna, Boston (Boston, MA USA)
It was my second choise, after I have had a Brown model for so many years, and it become old. In the begining it worked somehow, but it wasn't as good as my old epilator even after I used it for so many years. It takes so much time to epilate and even after finishing it, let's a lot of hairs. The shaving proces is even worse, it couse bleeding and it doesn't shaved well. After some month of use, it became even worse. It took all day to epilate, and the performance was really bad and I couldn't do at all the shaving. I returned on Brown models and they are really a good investment.
Definitely this one is a waste of money and something I do not recommend to have.

By Athena A. Smith (Texas)
I've had this for a few months now and it works reasonably well. For me, it works great on my legs. When you turn it on it sounds really scary but once you suck it up and put it to use it's really not so bad. It hurts more for longer hairs (like arm hairs) so think about trimming those first (but it's more work). I really bought it for my underarms since shaving only makes hairs coarser and hand plucking is so tedious but I have to say that it really doesn't work for my underarms. I tried it in the shower with lather, too, but it doesn't seem to grab anything. I even tried to pull my skin taut but still no luck. So if you'll use it primarily for your legs then go for it but if you're planning on using it on other parts of your body, you might want to rethink this product.
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Buy Panasonic ES2045P Wet/Dry Two-Speed Epilator with Three Heads (Pink) Now