Buy Low Price From Here Now
Rechargeable total body hair removal system
Technical Details
- Has 18 stainless steel tweezers that remove hair from the root in sensitive areas quickly and comfortably- Contoured for the face and is perfect for legs, bikini line and underarms
- Leaves skin silky soft and smooth for up to 6 weeks
- compact and cordless so you can take it anywhere with you
See more technical details

By toots (San Diego, CA)
** Update **
I have had my epilator for a year now and I have not shaved since it arrived at my door! It takes 2 minutes tops to epilate the hair on my underarms and legs ... the hair is SO thin and has been reduced by 50%. I feel no pain at all.
The thing that I really appreciate about this epilator is that you don't have to replace any parts. It still works the same as it did when it arrived on my doorstep!
** End of Update **
I researched this epilator for years before I finally bought it, my only regret is waiting so long to finally purchase it.
I have experienced different types of hair removal products - Nair, Shaving, Waxing. Waxing gave the best results since the hair would not grow back for about 3 weeks. But even waxing is very time consuming, a bit costly (I have my own wax heater, strips, etc), and messy.
My other problem is that I have extremely sensitive skin. I would shave my legs every day because I am a compulsize freak that cannot stand hair! Since I started shaving, my skin would have a bad reaction to razors and would turn red, bumpy, and extremely itchy - this would last even if I dared to stop shaving for half a week.
So, Emjoi came to the rescue. My first experience using this little tool was on my arm hair. I flipped the switch and the buzzing was really intimidating! I stared it down for a minute or two. In order to assure myself that this thing would not eat my arm, I put it to the palm of my hand so that I could know what it would feel like and know what to expect. That calmed me way down and I started removing the hair on my arm. There was no pain involved around this area since a lot of the hairs were very thin. You can expect to feel as though the machine is "sucking" on your skin when it pulls the hairs out (ok, more of a plucking sensation). Nothing to be alarmed about. You will get used to it fast.
So, with my arms completely hair free, I moved on to my legs ... I knew I was going to be addicted to this thing. I grew my leg hair out for about 2 days, so the tips of the hair were barely poking out of the skin. The epilator was able to pull these teeny little hairs out! I was in awe. It was a lot more difficult to do my legs though since the hair grows so thick from shaving and my legs are very very sensitive. I was able to do the upper part of my calves with barely any problems at all. When I got to my ankles ... WOAH, that was painful since my ankles are the most sensitive spot. It took me two days to successfully remove all of the hair, doing a tiny area at a time. Fortunately, after I removed the hair once, going back over it for maintenance is so painless and easy since not as many hairs grow back and they grow back thinner.
The reaction the skin on my legs had to the epilator was expected: red, bumpy, soreness - like after you wax. But, it disappeared after a day or two and every time I use the epilator, my skin no longer turns red or bumpy.
Being the compulsive freak that I am, I went on to epilating my under arms, back, stomach, and even crotch area. I barely had hair in these areas though, just a little peach fuzz. I know a lot of you must think I'm crazy for using this thing on my crotch, but it is actually painless. It gets a little scary when you get really close to the "magic spot", but it's really not bad at all.
Other than that, I can't find anything bad about this product and can't believe I've gone so long without it. Not to mention, it's a very reasonable price ... and not having to shave my legs everyday, priceless.

By L. VanMeter
I am getting married soon, so I bought this to remove my leg hair. My leg hair is the nastiest, black, thick hair imaginable, and it looks wretched on my skin which is so pale it is nearly transparent. Following the advice of other reviews, I used the emjoi twice the first week and then weekly for a couple of weeks after that. Now I probably use it once every two or three weeks. The first few weeks it was incredibly painful. But now it is not nearly as bad, and I am thrilled with the results! I still shave between uses, but my legs are soft and they don't feel like sandpaper 12 hours after shaving. I am very happy with it.
Also, the pain wasn't nearly as bad when I used it the much finer hair on my lips.
So, all in all, if you have the determination and tolerance for pain of an amazon, you might like this product.

By L. Williams (Plant City, FL,, Richmond Hill, GA, Fort Stewart, GA, Niceville, FL, Eglin AFB, FL)
The first time I used this, the pain was almost unbearable for the first few minutes, but then it actually became tolerable half way through, probably because I didn't have much hair left. Anyway, the first time I used it, it literally sucked out every single hair in it's path. The second time I used it, I had to go over a single hair like 10 times before it came out. Also, I've noticed that it works better on thicker hair. I don't think that the thickness or thinness of my hair was the cause of it not working as well the second time, I think it actually lost it's power! Seriously. Not to mention, I had TONS of ingrown hairs. On the positive side, my legs were sooooo squeeky smooth for a good two weeks. Now I'm just dealing with all the ingrown hairs. Oh, by the way, when you hold this, it works better at a certain angle, so if it doesn't seem to be working at first, turn it until it works.

By Jolie (NY USA)
The first time you try this, it feels rather unpleasant and somewhat painful. Beauty is pain, right? Don't worry, it's only temporary. Besides, once you see the results, you'll really be inclined to use it again.
Could these silky underarms possibly be mine? No stubble nothin! My entire life I have always been conscious of raising my arms and lamented over models on tv & mags with those smooth soft looking underarms... how do they do it? I would wonder.. hmmm must be airbrushing, right? Enter Emjoi
My sister was first to try Emjoi Silken and was actually raving about the results. I was hesitant but finally caved.
Am I glad I did! I know several reviewers did not like this item, I say be brave, give it another shot. follow my tips and see. You get a knack for it after the first 2 times or so.
I found that using the low speed did not work for me at all and actually caused some chafing. Once I switched to the higher speed, it was much more effective and far less painful.
Yes, the first time, it definitely was uncomfortable, but I found the second experience was far less uncomfortable, 3rd time was pain free. Also hold the skin taut and try moving the unit in different directions & sometimes flipping the head, rather than just the up & down direction with the label facing away from you as recommended in the directions.
First week I used it 3 times on alternating days and found it was not painful at all after the second time. It seems that regular use is the way to go, as you're getting only the newer hair growth, I believe it's more uncomfortable the first 2 times because that's when you have the most hairs to be pulled at once.
After the first 3 uses, I only need use it once a week or so.
That's it. I found that if I wait too long between sessions, it's a tad more painful. Once you have a pattern going, it's pain free.
Not only are you smooth and sexy for days on end, the new growth is soft & way fine. not stubble at all. No more whiskers or bristles :o) Kind of like way back when before you started shaving.
It's worth the initial discomfort to be this smooth AND not to have to shave every day in the shower. What a timesaver too! More time for beauty sleep :o)
Highly recommended!

By P Davis (California)
Great Product. The first time you use an epilator it is painful. That is any epilator. After the first few times there is no pain. This is a great product. Once you have used an epilator you will never use any other method for hair removal. It beats waxing and is more convenient and saves you lots of money in hair removal.
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Buy Emjoi AP-9P Silken Hair Removal System Now